
Sales Contract / Subscription with Recurring Sales Quotation

Recurring Sales Order (Draft) from Customer Sales Contract / Subscription in Odoo

Only for Odoo Community Edition

This app allows you to create a Recurring Sale order in the draft stage based on sales subscription contract lines as shown in below screenshots. So an app allows you to create recurring sales quotations to your customer based on sales contract / subscription.

Main Features:

  • Allow you to create the first quotation to your customer for recurring / subscription products and the system will create a sales contract (analytic account) automatically and add Contract lines from Sales order line.
  • System allows you to configure a sales contract form whether you want to have a recurring invoice for this contract or recurring sales order.
  • By setting based on the sales order option, the system will allow you to create sales order recurring using button create sales order. System also has a cron job which can run automatically and create sales orders in the draft stage.
  • Important: Now if recurring sales order is created in the system and confirming that recurring sales order will not create any new sales contract / subscription (analytic account) and even it will not update qty of sales order line into contract lines.
  • Note that as you can see you can configure on contract form whether you want recurring based on generating recurring invoice or recurring based on sales order which allow you to have different contracts with different approaches based on your chosen option on contract form.

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