
Customer Tags Auto Set from Sales Order Confirm

Customer Tags on Sales Order Form

Odoo App for Customer Tags pass from Sales Order Form to Customer Form

This app allows your sales users / managers to select customer tags while creating sales orders and pass customer tags while confirming sales order using the confirm button (Odoo Standard) as per below screenshots.

Main Features:

  • Allow your sales team / users to select and pass customer tags from sales order to customer form automatically.
  • While creating a sales order and choosing a customer on the sales order system will also set customer tags automatically. (Please note that if customer tags are already available the same as sales order then the system will not do anything but if system finds any new customer tags on sales order form then system will automatically add those tags on customer form).
  • Basically the system adds a new field on sales order form where you can select customer tags (many tags) and on confirmation of sales order if those tags are not available on customer form then the system will pass it.

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