Document Management System (DMS) - Partner Tags
Document Partners fetch based on Partner Categories (Tags) Odoo App
Partner Tags on Documents and Attachments to Auto Fill Partners using Tags/Categories of Partners/Contacts
This application allows users to associate attachments/documents with multiple partner categories (tags), providing a flexible way to manage the share on portal partners feature. It allows you to set categories/tags on attachments/documents, which will then fetch partners in the partners field, even in the future. If you create a new partner under those categories, that new partner/contact will automatically appear here.
Main Features:
- This application allows users to select partner categories for attachments/documents, automatically including partners based on assigned tags.
- If the categories (tags) of an attachment are modified, the system will update the partners to reflect these changes, ensuring that attachments always have the correct associated partners.
- When a new partner is created or an existing partner's categories are updated, the system automatically associates or dissociates the partner with the relevant attachments based on the assigned categories.
- Even if categories change, manually added partners on attachments are preserved unless explicitly removed.
- When a partner category is deleted, the system automatically removes any partners associated with that category from the relevant attachments.