
Google Recaptcha V3 for Fleet Repair Request Website Form

Google Recaptcha Version 3.0 for Fleet Repair Form Odoo App

TThis app allows your system to protect your fleet repair request submit form on a website from fraud and abuse using google recaptcha version 3.0.

Basically the module allows you to integrate Google reCAPTCHA (version 3.0) to your fleet repair request website form. You can configure your Google reCAPTCHA site key in "General Settings" as shown.

Main Features:

  • Fleet repair request form with google reCAPTCHA version 3.0.
  • Please note that version 2.0 of Google reCAPTCHA is not supported with this app.
  • Provides security of google reCAPTCHA on the fleet repair create page as shown below.

Check App Here
