Employee Overtime Requests
HR Overtime Requests for Employee Odoo App
Overtime Request in Odoo
Main Features:
- Option 1 - Overtime Requests: This will be requested by the employee.
- Option 2 - Multiple Overtime Requests: This request can be created by HR Manager or Department Manager on behalf of multiple employees together.
- This module adds a new group called "Department Manager (Overtime)" under the Usability group.
- Employees can create overtime requests and confirm it which will go for approval process as shown.
- Employee HR Officer / Manager (Administrator) can approve overtime requests.
- Employee HR Officer / Manager (Administrator) can create multiple overtime requests for multiple employees.
- Department Manager employees can approve overtime requests.
- Department Manager employees can approve multiple overtime requests.
Available Menus:
- Employees
- Overtimes
- Overtime Requests
- Overtime Requests to Approve
- Overtime Requests to Approve By Department
- Multiple Overtimes
- Multiple Overtime Requests
- Multiple Overtime Requests to Approve
- Multiple Overtime Requests to Approve By Department
- Overtimes
Employee Overtime Request Approval by Employees/Users
- 1. Employee
- 2. HR Officer / Manager
- 3. Department Manager
Role of Employee
- Employees can create overtime requests and confirm it for the approval process.
Role of HR Officer / Manager(Administrator)
- Employee HR Officer / Manager(Administrator) can approve overtime requests.
- Employee HR Officer / Manager(Administrator) can create multiple overtime requests for multiple employees.
Role of Department Manager
- Department Manager employees can approve overtime requests.
- Department Manager employees can approve multiple overtime requests.