Import Picking / Transfers (Delivery Orders/ Incoming Shipments/ Internal Transfer) from Excel
Import Delivery Order from Excel / Import Incoming Shipments from Excel
Import Internal Transfer from Excel
With and Without Lot Number Import Available
With and Without Serial Number Import Available
This app allows you to import Incoming , Outgoing and Internal Transfer Picking from the excel file. Allow you to Import Delivery Orders Incoming Shipments and Internal Transfer Pickings from Excel Make sure you have xlrd Python library installed.
Main Features:
- Allow you to import delivery orders from an excel file.
- Allow you to import incoming shipments from an excel file.
- Allow you to import internal transfer pickings from an excel file.
- Allow you to select a source location and destination location on the wizard while it will be used to create picking records.
- Allow you to choose a wizard with option about after processing or running excel wizard what will be the state of pickings whether it will be draft state or processed/confirmed.
- Allow you to import multiple pickings (Delivery/Incoming/Internal) in a single excel file.
- Sample excel files are available inside the sample folder inside the app/module.