
POS Order Customer Sorting Based on Level

Point of Sales Order Customer Level and Rating

This app allows POS with sorting of customers based on POS Total Amount Based or Number of POS Orders Based depends on your settings.

Main Features:

  • Allows POS users to view a list of customers [Odoo Standard Feature] with sorting based on customer level and rating.
  • Allow you to give option to choose whether you want to sorting your customers in the POS Total Amount Based or sorting your customers in the POS number of POS Orders Based.
  • App allows you to do settings for *POS Level Compute Months* on settings which will allow the system to compute order amount / number of orders from that month till date.
  • App allows you to view fields to see customer level as shown.
  • By going on to the POS level configuration menu as shown you can also find all the customers under that level.
  • This app basically allows you to sort customers and view customers in the POS screen by their level and star rating as shown below.
  • System automatically computes the customer level every week using a cron job available in the app. It also recomputes new POS orders created for customers.

Check App Here
