
Odoo Employee User Portal - Web Timesheet

Website Timesheets for Portal User (Employee)

The application enables employees to access a user portal in order to complete timesheets on Odoo, a web-based framework.

Main Features:

  • The employee portal user is provided with the capability to complete their timesheet directly from the portal, regardless of their location. This includes the ability to fill out timesheets while on-site, at home, on job sites, or at customer locations. The timesheet functionality is seamlessly integrated with the Odoo backend system.
  • In addition, the employee portal users are able to quickly search for any specific timesheet they need.
  • Furthermore, the portal allows employees to modify and delete timesheets that have been previously submitted.
  • When the project boolean is selected, the project and task details are not visible in the timesheet form.
  • To enhance the user experience, the Odoo timesheet list view and form view have been improved by including additional fields such as work type, start time, end time, billable status, and payment status.
  • It is important to note that the application is fully optimized for viewing on mobile devices and tablets. However, please be aware that this is not an Android or iOS/iPhone app.

Menus Available:

  • Timesheets
    • Configuration
      • Work Types

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